The Lucky Pearl Play
Kino, Juana, and their infantson, Coyotito, live in a modest brush house by the sea.One morning, calamity strikes when a scorpion stings Coyotito. Hopingto protect their son, Kino and Juana rush him to the doctor in town.When they arrive at the doctor’s gate, they are turned away becausethey are poor natives who cannot pay enough.
Later that same morning, Kino and Juana take their family canoe,an heirloom, out to the estuary to go diving for pearls. Juana makesa poultice for Coyotito’s wound, while Kino searches the sea bottom.Juana’s prayers for a large pearl are answered when Kino surfaceswith the largest pearl either of them has ever seen. Kino lets outa triumphant yell at his good fortune, prompting the surroundingboats to circle in and examine the treasure.
In the afternoon, the whole neighborhood gathersat Kino’s brush house to celebrate his find. Kino names a list ofthings that he will secure for his family with his newfound wealth,including a church wedding and an education for his son. The neighborsmarvel at Kino’s boldness and wonder if he is foolish or wise toharbor such ambitions.
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How to play Lucky Pearl Bingo Choose your cards and the amount of your bet before initiating the game Win a perimeter to access Lucky Pearl bonus. Choose one pearl to reveal an object that will give you a prize or will finish the game. Win one or more Double H to trigger the Pearl Fortune roulette. Play Online Slots at ★ StarGames now! Book of Ra & Sizzling Hot 1 Million Stars Bonus 400+ Slots Play now! 1 pearl for 10 mins swimming and every 5 Giant clams is not too much work for me.I'll try again and see if I was just lucky. Other reports of What type area/clam meat and what pearl you get would be Great.

Toward evening, the local priest visits Kino to blesshim in his good fortune and to remind him of his place within thechurch. Shortly thereafter, the doctor arrives, explaining thathe was out in the morning but has come now to cure Coyotito. Headministers a powdered capsule and promises to return in an hour.

In the intervening period, Coyotito grows violentlyill, and Kino decides to bury the pearl under the floor in a cornerof the brush house. The doctor returns and feeds Coyotito a potionto quiet his spasms. When the doctor inquires about payment, Kinoexplains that soon he will sell his large pearl and inadvertentlyglances toward the corner where he has hidden the pearl. This mentionof the pearl greatly intrigues the doctor, and Kino is left withan uneasy feeling.
Before going to bed, Kino reburies the pearl under hissleeping mat. That night, he is roused by an intruderdigging around in the corner. A violent struggle ensues, and Kino’sefforts to chase away the criminal leave him bloodied. Terriblyupset by this turn of events, Juana proposes that they abandon thepearl, which she considers an agent of evil.
The next morning, Kino and Juana make their way to townto sell the pearl. Juan Tomás, Kino’s brother, advises Kino to bewary of cheats. Indeed, all of the dealers conspire to bid low onthe pearl. Kino indignantly refuses to accept their offers, resolvinginstead to take his pearl to the capital. That evening, as Kinoand Juana prepare to leave, Juan Tomás cautions Kino against beingoverly proud, and Juana repeats her wish to be rid of the pearl.Kino silences her, explaining that he is a man and will take careof things.
In the middle of the night, Juana steals awaywith the pearl. Kino wakes as she leaves and pursues her, apprehendingher just as she is poised to throw the pearl into the sea. He tacklesher, takes the pearl back, and beats her violently, leaving herin a crumpled heap on the beach. As he returns to the brush house,a group of hostile men confronts him and tries to take the pearl fromhim. He fights the men off, killing one and causing the rest toflee, but drops the pearl in the process.
As Juana ascends from the shore to the brush house, shefinds the pearl lying in the path. Just beyond, she sees Kino onthe ground, next to the dead man. He bemoans the loss of the pearl,which she presents to him. Though Kino explains that he had no intentionto kill, Juana insists that he will be labeled a murderer. Theyresolve to flee at once. Kino rushes back to the shore to preparethe canoe, while Juana returns home to gather Coyotito and theirbelongings.
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Kino arrives at the shore and finds his canoe destroyedby vandals. When he climbs the hill, he sees a fire blazing, andrealizes that his house has burned down. Desperate to find refuge,Kino, Juana and Coyotito duck into Juan Tomás’s house, where theyhide out for the day. Relieved that the three did not perish inthe blaze, as the rest of the neighborhood believes, Juan Tomásand his wife, Apolonia, reluctantly agree to keep Kino and Juana’ssecret and provide shelter for them while pretending to be ignorantof their whereabouts.
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At nightfall, Kino, Juana, and Coyotito set out for thecapital. Skirting the town, they travel north until sunriseand then take covert shelter by the roadside. They sleep for mostof the day and are preparing to set out again when Kino discoversthat three trackers are following them. After hesitating briefly,Kino decides that they must hurry up the mountain, in hopes of eludingthe trackers. A breathless ascent brings them to a water source, wherethey rest and take shelter in a nearby cave. Kino attempts to misleadthe trackers by creating a false trail up the mountain. Kino, Juana,and Coyotito then hide in the cave and wait for an opportunity toescape back down the mountain.
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The trackers are slow in their pursuit and finally arriveat the watering hole at dusk. They make camp nearby, and two ofthe trackers sleep while the third stands watch. Kino decides thathe must attempt to attack them before the late moon rises.He strips naked to avoid being seen and sneaks up to striking distance.Just as Kino prepares to attack, Coyotito lets out a cry, wakingthe sleepers. When one of them fires his rifle in the directionof the cry, Kino makes his move, killing the trackers in a violentfury. In the aftermath, Kino slowly realizes that the rifle shotstruck and killed his son in the cave.
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The next day, Kino and Juana make their way back through townand the outlying brush houses. Juana carries her dead son slungover her shoulder. They walk all the way to the sea, as onlookerswatch in silent fascination. At the shore, Kino pulls the pearlout of his clothing and takes one last, hard look at it. Then, withall his might, under a setting sun, he flings the pearl back intothe sea.